
Teny iditra1  Andriananahary
Fototeny  2  andriana, ary
Sokajin-teny  3  anaran-tsamirery (olona) [Fitanisana]
Fanazavàna teny malagasy  4  [1.1] Teny ilazana an' Andriamanitra, izay noheverin' ny Ntaolo Malagasy ho nampisy izao rehetra izao. Matetika ny hoe Andriananahary dia nampiarahina amin' ny hoe andriamanitra
Fanazavàna teny anglisy  5  [1.2] [nahary, past tense of mahary, to create.] God, the Creator of the universe. This word is the most universally used in speaking of God, and is used by all the tribes throughout the island. It is often combined with andriamanitra. See zanahary.
6  [1.7] the Creator, God
Fanazavàna teny frantsay  7  [1.8] Le Créateur, Dieu
Ohabolana  8  Ohabolana misy io teny Andriananahary io

Fivaditsoratra  9  Andriananahary, Iharanandriana

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2025/02/02